Aglaonema Key Lime

Dhs. 80.00

Aglaonema Key Lime has striking silver green leaves flushed with bright yellow veins. The colours on this plant are surreal- we have never seen anything that vibrant! Aglaonema’s are extremely easy to grow houseplants. They can tolerate low light conditions and periods of draught -if you tend to forget to water your plants, this one is for you!

Aglaonema Key Lime is a slow grower and can grow up to 1,20cm tall. To assure best coloration keep it in a bright spot with indirect sunlight.

Size: this plant comes in 12cm plastic nursery pot and is up to 20cm tall.

Care Tips:

Light: The darker green varieties of aglaonema can grow in near shade, while the variegated varieties require brighter light. Do not expose any aglaonema to direct sun.

Water: Water thoroughly in the summer and mist the plant often to raise the humidity. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the plant dry out completely.

Soil: A well-drained potting soil 

Please note: this plant is toxic to humans and animals when ingested.